Me and one of my co-workers are known as the office frugal queens. We bring our own coffee and brown bag lunches every day.
Our co-workers think that is "cool" but can't bring themselves to do any of our stratgies. I would not give that a second thought except .... they complain about being broke all the time. They fuss about how little they make and how they can front the costs of educational courses the company wants them to take so they can make more money. (Our company re-imburses you, but you have to take and pass the course first).
Here are some things they do/say ...
~Go out to lunch - 3-4 days a week.
~Buy coffee or breakfast on the way to work 3-4 times a week.
~Run to the grocery store every other day...and always buy stuff not on the list that they saw when they got there.
~Pick up pizza or some sort of take-out on the way home.
~Leave their water heater going all day even though no one is home.
~I suggested the library to my assistant one day when she left her book at home and you would have thought I suggested she dumpster-dive!
There is a lot more than that, but you get the idea. These little treats they provide for themselves make their days brighter, but never add to the big picture.
Even though this makes me sound a little self-righteous, it helps to reinforce what I don't want to find myself doing.
I will add more as they occur ....
Things my co-workers say ...
April 18th, 2011 at 02:11 pm
April 18th, 2011 at 02:20 pm 1303132802
Mine would be work, home, park, community center, discount gym, friend's house. REALLY boring.
April 18th, 2011 at 03:04 pm 1303135453